Posted by: Alton Rocker | August 16, 2011

Erosion Warning!!

Day after day, year after year, wind and waves beat against a pristine coastline.  Most people who travel the route are too busy enjoying the view to notice the subtle but relentless forces of nature. Then, eventually, the road signs begin to appear: WARNING:  EROSION!  What was once a beautiful sanctuary is now becoming a place of danger.

The same is true of marriage.  The inevitable day to day disappointments of life can erode even the best relationships.  If only a map existed to help couples recognize and avoid the slippery slope.

GOOD NEWS! – IT DOES!  In the video below, Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg address the issue of natural erosion in marriage.  Their Marital Map offers an indispensible picture of the downward spiral, from simple disappointment and discouragement to emotional and physical divorce.  Together, they serve as seasoned guides, providing intentional strategies for preventing a serious fall, or climbing back to the summit of marital hope.


  1. Fantastic views on that!

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