Posted by: Alton Rocker | September 8, 2011

HOME TEAM – Unconditional Commitment

Custom jersey?  Check.

Giant foam finger?  Check.

Neon face paint?  Check.

Even in a crowd of thousands, the bleacher creatures stand out.  No matter what you call them, you always know where to find these fiercely loyal fans – cheering on the home team with everything they’ve got.  Rain or shine, win or lose, the players can count on their unwavering support.

Can you and your spouse say the same thing about each other?

“I am yours and you are mine”.  What does that mean?  It means whatever we are going through – whatever challenges, whatever difficulties, whatever trials – we’re going to get to the other side together.  Every couple needs to know that there is a sense of unconditional commitment to one another.  We are the quarterbacks for the marriage.  In fact, as we stand back think about those issues that get in the way of our marriage, that get in between us, that cause us to go to different corners of the home, we need to realize that the relationship of marriage has got to be far more important than any issue that you’re going through.  When you are going through tough times say these say these words:  “My mate is not my enemy”.  There is a boundary, a sacred hedge, around your marriage and it is there to guard and protect you.  Remember these words – the relationship has to be far more important than the issue.

Below is a link to a powerful teaching by the Rosbergs on the issue of Unconditional Commitment.  Please take time to view it and send us your comments.


  1. Great word for all of us. For us men, the team illustration rings true in our minds…I know it did in mine.

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